Monday, July 29, 2013


Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.
— Thomas Alva Edison

  Have you ever felt restless? A paralyzing restlessness that begins to consume you? A feeling that you are not where you need to be? No? Just me?

 Lately, I have felt this overwhelming desire for....something more. Restless. 

 Now, I am not like Mr. Edison thinking restlessness and discontent are steps to progress. I am more like "What the hell is happening?". I do not know how to reconcile this in my head, A need for something more. But, what? 

 I recently saw a picture of a compass and had a thought that my internal compass has broken. Then I think that maybe, for the first time in my life, my compass is working. Maybe, I am starting to figure out where I am supposed to be. Maybe, I am full of crap? I have no idea. 

 I have been writing. I have found a friend that inspires words from me that somehow rearrange themselves beautifully. Maybe one day I will share these words with the world. Maybe I won't. Right now, it is so personal that I don't want to reveal that much of myself.

 I am not sure why I wrote this blog post. It really isn't saying anything of worth.  

 Restless? Yes. 
 Broken? A little. 
 Hopeful? Always. 
