Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creeper in the corner

It has been a few months since I have updated this thing. Which is strange because I have written more in the past 3 months than I have in my whole life. My mind has been over flowing with words that have to be put on paper.

 I haven't written on here because I have nothing of worth to say. Today I feel different. Although, it is entirely possible you will think I still have nothing of worth to say after reading this.

I am sitting in a cafe sipping my coffee and eating a scone. (I am trying to sound worldly. I am actually at Panera with coffee and a bagel in jean shorts and a Boondock Saints shirt...yep I am worldly)

Anyway, I am sitting here and I wonder if everyone knows I am observing them. Trying to pick up on who they are.

I see a family, Mom, Dad and a couple of teenagers and the girls are on their phones and giggling. They are all interacting and laughing. - Happy

 I see a man on a laptop staring intently at the screen. He keeps rubbing his face and scowling. He looks up, out the window and then back to the screen. I am assuming he is reading the news. Uh oh, he is out of coffee. - Discontented

 I see an older couple. They are eating in silence in their Sunday best. At first I thought they were the typical miserable married type that I see so often, but then I saw him take her hand across the table and he smiled at her. She smiled back and then they went back to eating in silence. - Content

I see a table with two women. They are deep in conversation. Every once in a while they erupt in laughter. One of them keeps nodding and saying "Yeah." "Yes" "Oh I know" and smiling. - Excited to be out of the house

I see, what I am assuming is, a mother and daughter. They are talking, smiling and quiet all at the same time. - Comfort

I wonder how many of them are, like me, fake? Do they feel like their authentic self? Are they going through the motions? What do they see when they see me over here creeping on the corner?

Now should be the time that I offer some insight into what I am talking about and what the point of this post is....but, honestly, I don't have one. I am just fascinated by people lately. I look at them and I wonder how fake they are. Not in a bad way. In a way of "What dreams have you given up to be who you are today?"
Now, of course, if all of our dreams we had as a child came true we would have a world full of rockstars, movie stars and women married to one of the New Kids on the Block (oh wait that's just me).
I am talking about real dreams.
Dreams of a life that you want .
Dreams of the happiness you want.
I look at people and think "Did you settle or are you really in the life you love?".

I have heard to be content in your circumstances. I still dream, therefore I refuse to be content until I really am content.


*The discontented man is still discontented. Scowling and drinking coffee. I smiled at him, he scowled. I think he is his authentic self :)

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