I was looking through old journals the other day and I felt a huge disappointment in myself. I have always thought of myself as a semi intelligent person capable of expressing myself in a relatively sane way. I am wrong. Reading over my journals I realized exactly what a whining, self absorbed brat I was. Constantly sniveling about this person or that person. Everyone was out to get me...blah blah blah.
If I could go back in time I would tell the Me of certain ages the following things -
Age 13 Me - No, Rae, you do not love Josh with every bit of your being and you will not die if he breaks up with you.
Age 14 Me - Chill out Rae, your Dad and StepMom do not want you to die a lonely death because they took your phone out of your room for a week. Yes it is ok to love New Kids on the Block, Metallica and The Cure at the same time. You are musically diverse, NOT a freak of nature. Oh, and its ok to be mad at your Mom. Stop holding that inside.
Age 15 Me - You will survive the heartbreak of being 15. You will survive the broken heart you will receive from David Cranford and you will have your first love in Mr.Ashley Scott. You will fight with your parents, sneak out of the house and will be certain that nobody understands you but your friends. Hold on Rae, 15 sucks, but it will be better. Hold on.
Age 16 Me - Having a job at 16 does not mean that you rule over the house. Calm down. You are a cool chick...and will get even better with age.
Age 17 & 18 Me - Rae, listen to me. Listen good. Do what you want in life. DON'T SETTLE!! You are about to make some really dumb choices. Stop and think before you...oh damn, you did it anyway.
Age 20 - Present Me - Enjoy life...stop sniveling about everything.
I didn't think I needed to go through all the rest of the years..because its all basically the same thing. Stop whining. Life is ultimately good. Life gets better. Right?
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