"It's strange when you notice that things have changed. A shift has happened without you noticing until it has already happened. Like the earth rotating everyday, but you don't notice it. You only see the effects of it when day turns to night. I prefer it that way...not seeing the shift, just letting it happen. But, for a reason I do not want to think about, I see this shift happening. I feel like an outsider watching, powerless to stop it. Too much of a coward to stop it. Honestly, not even wanting to stop it.
Sometimes we just push on without any real emotion. When we see things changing should we try to stop it or move it in another direction? Or do we enjoy the shifting, blaming it all on "things change"...I see it now clear as day and I kind of like it. Should I do something about it? Probably. But I won't..."
I wrote that a few years ago. Feels very real again to me. Change is inevitable. Change is life. Change can cause joy or pain. I am not sure which is which anymore. I thought that at my age I would've figured something out already. Hmm, guess that will come when things change.